The Way we learn must change

The Way we learn must change

We are living in a busy world with a decreasing amount of time and an increasing amount of things to be done. For that, we need a dynamic skillset and the ability to adapt and learn new things. To do that is an investment of time. It takes even more time to put what...
Why You don’t have to become a Master

Why You don’t have to become a Master

Everybody has probably heard a phrase along the lines of “if you want to master a skill, it will take 10.000 hours”. After hearing that, you probably thought “who has that much time on their hands?”. And rightly so, since this is more than a...
Why structured Learning is the missing link

Why structured Learning is the missing link

In other posts published here you may have read about the sheer mass of information available to us and the problem of making use of it. The main problem being that there is too much, too fast. We have to circle back and decompress in regard to obtaining new...

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