We are living in a busy world with a decreasing amount of time and an increasing amount of things to be done. For that, we need a dynamic skillset and the ability to adapt and learn new things. To do that is an investment of time. It takes even more time to put what we have learened in practice, since learning and implementing are different processes. But if done right, the result will be worth it. Due to full schedules, emails, and calls we often find ourselves not having the sufficient time to consecutively put new skills into practice so they end up becoming rusty and useless to us.

But there is help! For example, the coach Robin Sharma came up with his 90/90/1-Rule. He recommends to spend the first ninety minutes of your working day on the single most impactful project you have. If you do this for ninety days, you will receive unbelievable results – concentrated work and ritualization are way more powerful than you think. Let’s say you will dedicate ninety minutes a day to learning or implmenting what you have learned. This equals four new things you can learn every year, by practicing them bit by bit on a daily basis! The daily confrontation will ensure that the learning subject will stay in your head for the whole three months – and long after that, thanks to the power of habitualization.

A lot of people tend to do this the other way around: they go to two-day crashcourses where they are fed more data than they can possibly process. After a couple of weeks without using it, that knowledge is gone. Hence, the learning process has to be rethought – away from bulimia-learning and towards daily learning, in bits and pieces.

#learning #habitualization #RobinSharma #90901Rule #Claruna


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