As all things in a company, #leadership must be thought in the long-term perspective. This directly connects to the company culture in general and the interactions with every individual in the enterprise. Especially in times of #digitalization, #sustainability and leadership must be thought of as interconnected topics that influence a significant number of processes. One guiding light of leadership and company culture are values. Company and work values must be developed – this is a lengthy process and requires the leaders to believe and live the values themselves. This behavior reproduces on every level of the company and amounts to the overall culture. While this doesn’t necessarily directly influence the quarterly figures and the overall revenue, company culture is crucial and not to be overlooked. Naturally, there is not one singular solution for every organization that wants to establish an internal culture: there are a lot of ways to do it, and all of them are equally valid. Since the organizational structure differs so much, vital factors such as communication paths, hierarchies, and interactions with teams can set very different frames for the working culture. Thus, it is the duty of the leader to identify the organizational peculiarities of his own company, the potential for improvement, and embed an adequate company culture into that framework.

#leadership #companyculture #digitalization #sustainability #Claruna


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