The industry 4.0 is already leading towards a massive change of how we are working. There are talks of robot caregivers, self-driving cars and trucks, automatized tax consultants, and much more. What is striking about all these developments is that jobs are being automatized or made obsolete while simultaneously more jobs are created by that. What sounds paradoxical is the natural outcome of a digitalized world. Needs and demands are changing, so it is important to remain open to a new professional future.

A robot caregiver needs someone who programs it, a self-driving car cannot fix its broken chips by itself. These jobs are newly emerged ones. It might even be necessary to completely reinvent oneself to be able to continuously benefit from the new opportunities. This is a lengthy and consecutive process, as the #digitalization and the Industry 4.0 are not developments that will end one day. They will continue to grow, and skills learned now might be completely outdated or useless in thirty years. We are experiencing more and more of mixed reality and artificial intelligence in our lives. We might even witness growth way above our understanding in these fields. Hence, it is vital to focus oneself on future competencies.

What will be needed in the future and how can I be part of the people who will provide what is necessary? One thing remains crystal-clear: if you can do what is demanded and are able to keep that up, develop, and grow with what you do, you will always be needed on the market.

#digitalization #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #industry4 #Claruna

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