In every industry it is essential to deliver services as fast and as good as possible. Especially in the printing industry there is a push for time in a lot of projects. In order to make businesses work faster, better, and more digital one has to identify and study the respective processes. For this, the processes must be scalable. If these two prerequisites are met, the path is free for the implementation of an optimization system. These systems are known as ERPs, Enterprise Resource Planning. They help companies to centralize, digitalize and automate different processes.

For example, when an ERP is in place, it can automatically identify that the stock of one item necessary for production will run out in two weeks. The system then is able to give an alarm to order the new material at the perfect time. This way, the production is kept on track and there are no delays. This modus operandi extends to virtually every other business area. Customers can be contacted and invoiced automatically, and the payments are being documented immediately. Once in place, this system saves resources along every single step it takes. Once the data is available centrally, the necessary files can be put together at any time to create reports, datasheets, and more.

One example of an excellent ERP is Microsoft Business Central. It combines the high functionality of ERPs with the well-known Office ecosystem and is thus efficient and user-friendly at the same time.

#digitization #ERP #EnterpriseResourcePlanning #automatization #Claruna

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